Linux Shell Scripting — A Suckless and Concise Guide to the Command-line of Linux
Planted January 19, 2024
Prior Statements: This is a concise guide on the Linux Shell Scripting while consolidating all the facts about the Linux Shell for quick developer’s reference while using Linux. I am referencing the Bash (Bourne-Again Shell) which is the default shell for Linux-based systems. I will also be providing references and external links to dive into depth and not fill the article with too much explanation about a single topic which is not universally required by all the readers. Bash Scripting is a vast topic and cannot be covered in a single article. I will be providing the very basics here and providing references to external links to learn more.
Overview of the Shell in Operating Systems
The shell is a program that acts as a buffer between the user and the operating system. It is a command interpreter and acts invisibly. The three main uses for the shell are:
- Interactive use of the system
- Customizing the Linux session by defining variables and startup files
- Programming, by writing and executing shell scripts
“Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.”- Albert Einstein
Historical Overview of the Linux Shells
Bourne Shell was the standard shell used for writing shell scripts. Bourne Shell is still found in the /bin/sh on the Linux Systems (although they are now symbolic links to the Bash). The Berkeley C shell (csh and later tcsh) offered better features for interactive use, such as command history and job control. For a long time, the standard practice was to use the Bourne-Shell for programming and the C-shell for daily use. David Korn at Bell Labs enhanced the Bourne shell by adding csh-like features and his shell was known as the Korn shell (ksh).
The Free Software Foundation developed a clone of the Bourne Shell and developed the Bourne-Again Shell (Bash). Bash has become a POSIX-complaint version of the shell, incorporating many popular features from other shells like csh, tcsh and ksh. Bash is now the primary shell for Linux.
Another popular shell is the Z Shell (zsh) which is similar to the ksh but with many extensions. zsh differs from the bash in two ways: it is based on ksh and does not attempt to be POSIX-compliant.
To get a grip on the Linux command line, it is essential to understand basic Linux Commands. Canonical (the creator of the Ubuntu Linux Operating System) has provided a guide for absolute beginners to learning the basics of the command line. The Linux command line for beginners. Experience with operating the Linux command line is also essential.
The Prefix and Executing Shell Script
The shebang for shell scripts is #!/bin/bash
. This tells the system that the executing file is a bash script and it needs the bash interpreter to work. Before executing a shell script, it’s essential to mark it as executable and provide the necessary permissions by using the command: chmod +x <filename>
. To execute the script: ./<filename>
Read, Store, Print and Wait ….
Declaring a variable: name="maverick"
Reading User Input: read name
Printing content and variables: echo "hello $name"
($ symbol returns the value of the variable)
Delay for some time: sleep <no_of_seconds>
Arrays in Bash Scripts
Arrays can be declared in the following way:
declare -a languages=(
echo "${languages[@]}"
Running System Commands in the Script
: This will execute the uname
command and store it’s output in the name variable. (print the output with echo "$name"
Predefined Variables in Linux Shells
$RANDOM will return any random number between 0–32767
The outputs of the commands given below are just examples:
>> echo $RANDOM
>> echo $PWD
>> echo $SHELL
>> echo $USER
>> echo $HOSTNAME
Note: The double quotes in the bash script support a lot of symbols that can be used for various purposes. On the other hand, single quotes are strict and consider everything inside them to be string.
Arithmetic Operations in bash
>> echo $(( 2 + 3 )) # Addition
>> echo $(( 2 / 3 )) # Division
# Note: Bash does not return the data in float. 2/3 = 0.666666.....
>> echo $(( 10 / 3 )) # / is for division
>> echo $(( 10 & 3 )) # & is for remainder
Example Snippet of a Bash Program
echo "What is your name?"
read name
echo "How old are you?"
read age
echo "Hello $name, you are $age years old."
sleep 2
lucky_number=$((( $RANDOM % 10 ) + $age ))
echo "$name, your lucky number is $lucky_number"
Conditional Statements
read number
if [[ $number = 10 ]]; then
echo "number is 10"
elif [[ $number = 20 ]]; then
echo "number is 20"
echo "The number was not guessed: $number"
The following was a quick reference to if and else statements and all you need to know to understand them. They can be used for making decisions and adjusting the control flow of the scripts. They are highly useful in Linux Automation when handling errors and edge cases.
case $number in
echo "It's 1"
;; # This means go ahead and check next case
echo "It's 2"
echo "It's 3"
Case statements can be used to consolidate the if-else statements and create very specific cases for the control flow of the script to continue.
Comprehensive Example for Control Flow and Conditionals in Bash:
# Yes, I am a Hacker and this script is an example hacker manual
echo "This is a tool manual. Enter the tool number to get information about it.
1. metasploit
2. aircrack-ng
3. hydra"
read number
echo "Are you a experienced hacker? (y/n)"
read answer
case $answer in
echo "This is a very basic manual for you then.... "
echo "This is useful for you then!"
case $number in
echo "You have selected the metasploit option"
echo "You have selected the aircrack-ng option"
echo "You have selected the hydra option"
if [[ $number == "1" ]]; then
echo "Do you want to know about msfconsole or msfvenom?
1. msfconsole
2. msfvenom"
read number
if [[ $number == "1" ]]; then
echo "msfconsole is a interactive environment framework for exploitation of known vulnerabilities as well as exploit development"
elif [[ $number == "2" ]]; then
echo "msfvenom is a payload generater"
elif [[ $number == "2" ]]; then
echo "Aircrack-ng is Wi-Fi penetration framework"
elif [[ $number == "3" ]]; then
echo "hydra is a fast login bruteforcer"
echo "Thank you for using this manual"
Loops in Bash Script — While, Until and for loops
While Loop: A while loop continues to loop over a snippet of code until the conditions provided are true. As soon as it gets false, the while loop is escaped and further script is executed.
echo "Number of clicks to end"
read target
# The condition will be provided to the while loop
while [[ $x -le $target ]] # -le means less than or equal to
read -p "Click $x: Press enter to continue"
(( x++ )) # Post incremental operator
echo "Target completed"
while true
echo "This goes forever!"
Until Loop: Until loops continue to run until some condition is true. The loop initiates when the given condition is false and executes the given snippet of code until the provided conditions are true.
until [[ $password == "correct_password" ]]
echo "Enter the password: "
read password
echo "Access Granted!"
Until loops are kind of opposite to while loops. They run until the provided condition is satisfied.
While loop runs while the given condition is true. Until loop runs until the given condition is true.
For Loop: For loops don’t wait for a certain condition to be true and execute the given snippet of code until the specified range of items are selected and covered.
for cups in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10;
echo "Hey, you've had $cups of coffee today. "
for cups in {1..10}; # range is provided for simplicity
echo "Hey, you've had $cups of coffee today. "
For loop can be useful for various purposes like traversing over files in the directory or even going through lines in a file, etc.
declare -a languages=(
# Itterating over arrays with for loop
for i in ${languages[@]}
echo -e "$i \n"
Some example scripts for reference
# Script to check if the given website is up
for x in;
if ping -q -c 2 -W 1 $x > /dev/null; then
echo "$x is up"
echo "$x is down"
# Checking the weather in the cities provided in the cities.txt file
for x in $(cat cities.txt);
weather=$(curl -s$x?format=3)
echo "The weather for $weather"
# Script to create a Wi-Fi prompt for suckless dmenu (my own Arch linux script)
interfaces=$(nmcli device | awk '$2=="wifi" {print $1}')
selected_interface=$(echo "$interfaces" | dmenu -p "Select a network interface:" -l 10)
wifi_list=$(nmcli device wifi list ifname "$selected_interface" | awk '{print $2}')
selected_network=$(echo "$wifi_list" | dmenu -p "Select a Wi-Fi network:" -l 10)
password=$(echo "" | dmenu -p "Enter the Wi-Fi password:")
nmcli device wifi connect "$selected_network" password "$password"
echo "Connecting to $selected_network..."
# Converts an image or a directory of images to .webp format
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
for file in "$1"/*; do
if file --mime-type "$file" | grep -q "image"; then
cwebp "$file" -o "${file%.*}.webp"
echo "[+] Converted $file to ${file%.*}.webp"
echo "[-] Skipping file: $file"
cwebp "$file" -o "${file%.*}.webp"
echo "Conversion Completed"
There are a lot of references to go with for learning and mastering Linux Shell scripts.
Books I recommend:
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and Unix Systems — Dave Taylor, Brandon Perry
- Linux in a Nutshell — Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love and Arnold Robbins
- Linux Shell Scripts have been very useful for my overall computer usage. I have been using Linux as my primary operating system and I am safe to say that my whole computer works on the backbone of these shell scripts. Bash Scripting have a lot of usage in automating tasks and I believe them to be holding the power of automating IT systems in a versatile and simple fashion.